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  • What tablets of emergency concentration are better. Emergency contraception: types, effect of pills, how safe are hormonal drugs

    What tablets of emergency concentration are better.  Emergency contraception: types, effect of pills, how safe are hormonal drugs

    Anyone who writes about contraception, the first thing he advises is to visit a doctor who will help you choose the method that is right for you. But there are situations (and often they fall on weekends and holidays) when it is necessary to act immediately: an unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred, and a possible pregnancy must be urgently prevented. What drug should I take for emergency contraception and why should I not do it often?

    What is emergency contraception

    The name speaks for itself. Emergency contraception aims to prevent the implantation of an already fertilized egg. But you have no idea if your egg is fertilized or not. As up to a certain time, up to a certain time, with all the arsenal of means for early diagnosis of pregnancy, modern medicine has no idea about this either!

    And when the egg is already implanted - then forgive me, girls, mini or maxi - but this is already an abortion! So the goal of the emergency is from the series “better safe than sorry”. And it is used in the case of any unprotected sexual intercourse, with the ineffectiveness of the barrier method (torn condom), as well as in the case when the woman “oh, I forgot to take the pills!”.

    There are several types of emergency contraception:

    1. Combined oral contraceptives - COCs;
    2. "Purely progestin" - gestagenic preparations;
    3. "Antitropic" drugs - drugs that affect the secretion of hormones.

    Combined oral contraceptives - emergency

    Emergency contraception using COCs consists in the double application of 200 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 1 mg of levonorgestrel within seventy-two hours after sexual intercourse. Take the first dose right away. The second - in twelve hours.

    So that you don’t get confused with the names, I’ll put it simply: you should drink a good old COC like ovidone containing “horse” doses of these hormones. There are also drugs ovral (USA, Canada) and tetragynon (Germany, Sweden).

    In the relatively old, not too reproductively good Soviet times, the contraceptive combined non-ovlon oral contraceptive was used for these purposes. And I want to tell you a sad story about how one girl, a medical student, decided - on the advice of a friend - to take this same non-ovlon after unprotected intercourse.

    But the girl decided to despise her friend's recommendation: “One pill now, immediately! The second - in twelve hours. She thought: “Oh, well, what a serious effect can be from one tiny pill now, immediately, and from one of the same minutiae - in twelve hours?” And after such thoughts of hers, she took, and gasped under a glass of tea, the whole consignment with non-ovlon. After that, the girl, an excellent student, was taken away in an ambulance with uterine bleeding.

    Because the mechanism of action of emergency contraception with COCs is to prevent implantation due to endometrial rejection. Again: rejection of the endometrium. Clear? From one or two tablets - rejection of the endometrium. From a handful of COCs taken at once - uterine bleeding. With all the ensuing consequences for the body. But thank the gods, the bleeding was stopped relatively conservatively: it was managed with curettage and intravenous infusions.

    This story still torments my conscience: it was I who advised my classmate the method of emergency (or, as it is also called, urgent postcoital) contraception. Since then, when explaining anything to women - at least in the mode of personal communication, face to face - I have been extremely thorough, meticulous and ask you to retell what has been stated.

    Emergency contraception using COCs is also possible with low-dose drugs (the very ones, for example, that you forgot to drink on time). The number of tablets in this case will vary depending on their composition and dosage of hormones - then I gave the standard dose of emergency contraception with COCs: 200 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 1 mg levonorgestrel. I hope everyone knows how to read instructions for tablets and count on calculators! And no one confuses micrograms with milligrams! If you don't know how, ask your mom and dad. Or an obstetrician-gynecologist.

    Side effects of emergency contraception with COCs include nausea and vomiting. Contraindications are the same as general. If you have diabetes or heart disease, this is not your method of emergency contraception. (Strictly speaking, emergency contraception is not contraception at all, but a way for fools who screw up. Once or twice - with whom it doesn’t happen ... But I don’t recommend using it often, oh, I don’t recommend it!)

    Gestagen preparations for emergency contraception

    "Pure progestin" emergency (emergency) contraception: a long time known Hungarian drug postinor. Contains 0.75 mg levonorgestrel. The most widely known regimen (recommended long ago by WHO): two doses within 48-72 hours after unprotected intercourse. One tablet! And I don't recommend it either.

    There is also the drug norkolut (known as “vacation pills”, because for the first time foreign students who left for a two-week vacation began to burst it with a contraceptive purpose) - if you plan to engage in unprotected no more than two weeks a year, but to the fullest, - 5 mg of norcolut per day. But no longer than two weeks! And this only protects against pregnancy, but not at all against infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

    "Antitropic" drugs used for emergency contraception

    1. Danazol is an antigonadotropic (that is, it prevents the production of tropic hormones - hormones that affect the production of sex hormones themselves) drug. Twice 400 mg with an interval of twelve hours (immediately after coitus). Or three times - in the same mode: 400 mg with an interval of twelve hours (if 48-72 hours have passed after sexual intercourse).

    So far, the method is exclusively empirical (that is, experimental, it was arrived at by experience). There are not enough statistically reliable studies on this topic.

    1. Mifepristone is a synthetic antiprogestin that is a derivative of norethisterone.

    For emergency contraception, it is much more effective than for "medical" abortion. In the event that it is taken at a dose of 600 mg once within seventy-two hours after unprotected intercourse. Or 200 mg from the 23rd to the 27th day of the menstrual cycle.

    Mifepristone is the most effective and most painless emergency contraceptive. Often, as you know, it should not be used. Mifepristone, in addition, can change / bring down the menstrual cycle. So if you used mifepristone as a means of emergency contraception, then now is the time after the onset of menstruation to start hormonal contraception with COCs on a permanent basis.

    All hormonal emergency contraception is not 100% effective. And not very helpful. Once again, loud and clear: emergency (urgent, postcoital) contraception is a single contraception. By no means should you use it all the time. There are no methods of this type of contraception that are safe for your body. After using emergency contraception, you should definitely choose another, permanent method of contraception that effectively prevents pregnancy and is safe for the body. For young and healthy women, I again and again recommend paying close attention to combined oral contraception - COCs - as the most physiological, thoughtful and reversible.

    With the current variety of contraceptives, from condoms and pills to the intrauterine device, the chance of an unwanted pregnancy is reduced to almost zero.

    However, dangerous situations happen: a damaged condom, uninterrupted sexual intercourse in the absence of any contraceptives ... In such a case, there is also a method of protection - emergency contraception: birth control pills in the first 24 hours after the act can solve the problem.

    What is emergency contraception

    - any methods used to prevent the possibility of pregnancy a few days after unprotected intercourse.

    Usually, it means the use of some drugs orally, however, the list of methods and methods of urgent contraception also includes, for example, the immediate introduction of a spiral (within one hundred and twenty hours after the act took place).

    Usually, under the means related to the emergency contraception section, they understand some kind of miracle pill that will instantly eliminate the possibility of pregnancy. However, even in this area there are subtleties.

    Most importantly, if you take birth control pills within 24 hours, their effectiveness will be the highest and will be up to 95% ... but even in this case, sadly, the guarantee is not one hundred percent.

    The "magic pill" does not exist in a single form. The drugs are divided into two types, based on different active substances and have effects according to different principles, albeit with the same result - stopping the possible development of pregnancy.

    Types of birth control pills in the first 24 hours, their name:

    • Tablets containing the substance levonorgestrel. These are: "" and "Postinor";
    • Means based on another component, mifepristone - Genale, Agesta, Miropristone.

    Both types of drugs act on the body in different ways.

    The principle of action of drugs. The action of both types of pills has much in common - the development of ovulation is inhibited. Further there are some differences.

    Means, whose active ingredient is levonorgestrel, change the composition of the mucus of the cervical canal, making it difficult for sperm to pass through the canal. At the same time, two processes are launched that prevent the fertilized egg from entering the uterus: the fallopian tubes are affected, the number of their contractions decreases, and therefore the delivery of the egg is slower, and the composition of the endometrium of the uterus changes.

    Mifepristone-based drugs also change the properties of the endometrium, preventing it from transforming into the necessary state, and increase uterine contractions in order to remove an egg that has not had time to attach.

    Are vaginal tablets suitable for SOS cases? Most of the existing vaginal contraceptives are not designed for emergency use after the act, since they have a completely different principle of action. Unfortunately, their efficiency is unlikely to be greater than zero, which, however, is expected.

    Overview of emergency contraceptives

    As is clear from the previous part of the article, emergency contraceptives are divided into types, represented by several different drugs with their own disadvantages and advantages. Let's stop and consider some of them in more detail.

    1. Postinor. The drug refers to containing levonorgestrel. Considered one of the best of its kind. The volume of the active substance in one tablet is 0.75 mg, which is much higher than in tablets for "standard" contraception.

    If you take the drug exactly according to the instructions, its effectiveness is at least 95%. However, the more time has passed since intercourse, the less effective it will be and the higher the likelihood of getting pregnant. At the end of the third day (i.e. later), its effectiveness is slightly more than fifty percent.

    If you take these contraceptive pills after the act within 24 hours, and do not play for time, hoping for the best, then the effect is almost guaranteed.

    Postinor's contraindications are typical for conventional contraceptives. It is highly not recommended for cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, any problems with blood clotting. The drug is strictly forbidden to take during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. Of the possible complications, bleeding from the uterus, abdominal pain, cycle failures, migraines are noted.

    1. Escapelle. Referring to the same group as the drug discussed above, this remedy contains twice as much active ingredient; thus, it is enough to take just one tablet. The side effects and contraindications of these two remedies are almost exactly the same, except that Escapel is contraindicated in Crohn's disease and jaundice.

    1. mifepristone. Now we turn to another type of contraception - tablets based on mifepristone. This remedy is unique in that it is suitable for use in medical abortion. Thus, even if you do not take it within the standard three days after unprotected sex, you can use the drug to terminate the onset of pregnancy, but no later than six weeks. In this capacity, it is used only under the supervision of doctors in a hospital. The drug contains 200 mg of the active ingredient of the same name. Due to the presence of many side effects, it can be used, even in the traditional way, only under the supervision of a physician.
    2. Agesta. It is a complete analogue of the previous drug.
    3. Ginepriston. It differs from the two above funds only in the concentration of the active ingredient, which does not allow medical pregnancy. The drug is contraindicated in hepatic and renal insufficiency, otherwise the contraindications coincide with all the above drugs. Side effects can include allergies and cycle disorders.

    The Yuzpe method involves the use of typical combined contraceptive drugs as an emergency and consists in taking them in an increased dosage. The effectiveness of the method is clearly lower than that of full-fledged emergency contraceptives, but with the correct calculation of the dosage, this method is quite efficient.

    Method of application of tablets

    The principle of application of all drugs is the same - the sooner the better. An unwanted pregnancy pill is taken within 24 hours of contact, in which case the result is almost guaranteed. The instructions indicate that the pills are valid for three days after the act, but it also indicates that the later the drug was taken, the lower the likelihood of a result.

    Benefits and Side Effects

    There are emergency contraceptives and their advantages in comparison with the planned ones. For example, when compared with conventional combined hormonal drugs, in the case of an irregular sexual life, it is preferable to use a harmful pill once than to take a slightly less harmful one all the time - after all, both have an effect on the hormonal background.

    The method of installing an intrauterine device has a serious drawback - the device is installed for a long time.

    However, the side effects make you seriously think about whether it is worth using them at all or it would be better to take care of reliable contraception in advance. These funds have a serious impact on the hormonal background, knock down the menstrual cycle, many of them have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, increase the likelihood of thrombosis (much stronger than the combined "scheduled" drugs).

    If the second type of funds is used incorrectly, there is a danger of developing serious consequences, up to the impossibility of becoming pregnant in the future.

    Complications when taking such drugs are inevitable. Among the most frequent:

    • From the digestive system - nausea and vomiting, diarrhea;
    • Headaches and dizziness;
    • Menstrual irregularities;
    • Uterine bleeding.

    Due to the strong effect on the hormonal background, all drugs should be taken only as directed by a doctor.


    The list of contraindications to the use of these drugs is quite extensive. Among them:

    • cardiovascular diseases,
    • thrombosis,
    • anemia,
    • any disorders in the functioning of the kidneys or liver,
    • unstable cycle,
    • individual intolerance.

    For any severe chronic diseases, these drugs are also prohibited.

    During pregnancy and lactation, any hormonal drugs, with rare exceptions prescribed by a doctor, are highly discouraged. This group of drugs is prohibited for use in general.

    Where could I buy?

    Most of the funds from the list are sold in almost any pharmacy. However, no one will sell them without presenting a prescription - all preparations containing hormones are released only on prescription.

    Medicine prices are not particularly high. Products containing levonorgestrel are usually sold for 300-350 rubles for a package containing two or one (depending on the amount of the active ingredient) tablets. However, in the case of tablets of another group containing mifepristone, the situation is different: due to the danger of their use, all such drugs, with the exception of ginepristone, which is sold for 350-400 rubles. per package, have a cost of 5000 and above.

    Gynecologists treat these funds ambiguously. Given the reviews about the many side effects with the development of complications that can affect life in the future, doctors rather do not recommend this method. However, they also do not offer to unambiguously refuse it - there are situations when this way out is preferable.


    Of course, the use of these funds would be best avoided. With so many contraceptive methods available, it is better to choose something less dangerous to health, and for reliability, several methods can be combined.

    However, sadly, the use of tablets in the first 24 hours of pregnancy may be the only adequate solution for some situations. For the future, it is worth remembering that using traditional methods of contraception, even planned hormonal pills, is much less harmful to health.

    Emergency (urgent) postcoital contraception is carried out after unprotected intercourse (within 1-3 days) to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

    For emergency contraception, a hormonal method (antigestagens, gestatens) or intrauterine contraception (insertion of an intrauterine device) is usually used.

    Emergency contraception is used if:

    • committed rape;
    • unprotected intercourse has occurred;
    • interrupted sexual intercourse was incorrectly performed;
    • the condom broke during intercourse;
    • other similar situations.

    Hormonal method

    Attention! Before using the drug, carefully read the instructions for use. It should be remembered that with a large number of sexual acts, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.

    1) Antiprogestogenic drugs

    • Ginepriston or Agest - modern hormonal postcoital drug. Compared to Postinor, it is almost harmless. Used within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse.

    2) Progestin preparations

    • Escapelle is an exclusive new emergency contraceptive. Recommended for use within 96 hours of unprotected sex. The earlier the pill is taken, the more effective its action.
    • Mifegin (Mifepristone) - a modern drug, with the help of which medical (non-surgical) abortion is performed for a period from the first day of delayed menstruation to 8 weeks. To carry out this procedure, you must contact a gynecologist licensed to use the drug.
    • Postinor - hormonal drug for emergency contraception from the "last century". The earlier the pill was taken, the more pronounced the contraceptive effect. Postinor contains a very high dose of the hormone levonorgestrel, which hits the ovaries quite noticeably. Therefore, after using the drug, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed. This drug should not be used more than 2 times a year and considered as one of the possible contraceptives! This is especially true for young women under the age of 18, whose hormonal balance has not yet been established. .

    After taking emergency contraceptives:

    • the next period may start earlier or later than usual;
    • menstrual flow may be more abundant, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor;
    • be sure to consult a gynecologist before the start of the next menstruation to be examined for sexual infections, at the appointment, tell that you used emergency contraception;
    • if three weeks after taking emergency contraceptives you do not start menstruation or there are signs of pregnancy, immediately visit a gynecologist;
    • if you experience pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a gynecologist;
    • until the next menstruation, it is necessary to use barrier methods (condom).


    • thromboembolism and uterine bleeding in the past;
    • severe liver disease;
    • a severe attack of headache (migraine);
    • age over 35;
    • long smoking history.

    Possible side effects of hormonal emergency contraception include:

    • headache;

      pain in the mammary glands;

      stomach ache;

      various menstrual irregularities;


    The side effects of emergency contraception usually decrease or disappear completely within two days.

    Due to the possible damaging (teratogenic) effect of hormones on the fetus, medical abortion is recommended in case of unsuccessful emergency contraception and pregnancy.

    intrauterine contraception

    Intrauterine emergency contraception is the introduction of an intrauterine device (IUD) in the first 5-7 days after unprotected intercourse, which prevents the implantation of an already fertilized egg.

    The method is somewhat more effective than the method of hormonal emergency contraception, however, when using it, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the woman, her desire to continue to use this method of protection from unwanted pregnancy for a long time, as well as all possible contraindications to the introduction of intrauterine devices.

    Emergency introduction of intrauterine devices is not recommended for young nulliparous women, as well as for a large number of sexual contacts and partners, with casual sex. If a woman wants to put an intrauterine device, but in the past she often suffered from inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, it is necessary to apply antibiotics immediately before the installation of the intrauterine device and in the next 5 days.

    Often there are situations when during sexual intercourse the condom is damaged, which entails the entry of sperm into the body of a woman. Even more often there are moments when, during sexual pleasure, you simply forget to use a contraceptive. And besides, having sex without a condom is much more pleasant. But such careless moments have one consequence - an unwanted pregnancy. How to be further?

    The effects of unprotected intercourse can be corrected with medications called emergency pills. They are designed specifically to correct unprotected sexual intercourse, which entails the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy.

    Such funds are used only when absolutely necessary, when a woman is sure that conception may occur. Just drinking them "just in case" is very dangerous for health and can cause irreparable harm to a woman's life.

    More about birth control pills

    Such pills are also called next-day remedies, which provide contraception for 72 hours. It is during this time after sexual intercourse that the effect of the drug is due.

    Important! The high efficiency of not getting pregnant, after taking an emergency pill, is due to the first day. On the second and third days, the performance indicators are reduced by 15-20%, respectively.

    If you are really afraid of getting pregnant, and in no way want to let this happen, then you need to take the pills on the first day. If the medication was taken on the third day, then its capacity is no more than 50%. In the case when, after the completion of unprotected intercourse, pregnancy nevertheless occurred, then there is no point in using pills.

    Important! Pills are called emergency, as they provide a fast-acting effect that helps prevent the fertilization of the egg of the sperm that has entered the woman's body.

    Types of emergency contraceptives

    1. Preparations of 24-hour action. The need to take such pills immediately after intercourse, as well as after the phenomenon during the above time.
    2. 72-hour action of medicines. If more than 24 hours have passed after the act of carnal pleasure, then it is the 72-hour remedy that will help here.
    3. There are also means to prevent pregnancy even after three days. These include a copper-containing spiral. The main advantage of such a spiral is the capacity even after 5 days after the act of intercourse.

    In case of rape, the installation of a spiral is not allowed, as it can lead to infection of the body.

    Pills that relate to 24- and 72-hour emergency medicines for pregnancy, we will consider in more detail.

    Action of emergency drugs

    The action of contraceptive medications after intercourse is determined by the following important responses:

    1. Fencing is carried out, which is characterized by the inadmissibility of the release of the ovaries from the egg.
    2. Limit the meeting of sperm and egg.
    3. If the egg has already been fertilized, then the drugs do not allow it to enter the uterus.

    Thus, when a woman has taken a medication, the following action occurs in her body: thickening of the mucous secretion in the cervix. These clots form and are a barrier to the sperm. This is how emergency contraceptives work.

    Note! There are two types of emergency medications from conception: estrogen-containing and non-hormonal.

    Preparations that contain estrogen are hormonal. When they are used, some types of side effects occur (headache, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the groin).

    If, after taking the medication, there is a deterioration in health, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Why should you see a doctor? First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease, because the side effect can speak. Often, after taking the drug, a woman may feel pain in the chest, arms, shoulders, legs or arms. Such symptoms indicate an incorrect dosage of the drug.

    Let's take a closer look at the 72-hour and 24-hour tablets, as well as their names.

    Tablet 72 hours

    If the phenomenon of sexual contact was committed more than 24 hours ago, then in this situation, the medicine for pregnancy "72 hours" is suitable. Taking a pill in the interval of this time - you can stop the phenomenon of conception.

    They are characterized by high hormonal activity, so it is allowed to take no more than four times a month. The most common of this series of tablets are the drugs: PostinorDuo and Escapelle, Genale.

    Taking the drug often causes such complications:

    1. Severe pain in the abdomen. Appear 3-5 weeks after the use of the drug. Most often indicates an ectopic pregnancy. Requires immediate hospitalization.
    2. Difficulty breathing and blurred vision.
    3. Allergic rash and chest pain.

    To avoid or reduce the effects of side effects, you should take the drug under the supervision of a physician.

    It is used in the case when the means of protection were ineffective and allowed the entry of spermatozoa into the woman's body. The active ingredient of the drug is lovonorgestrel. The drug does not allow the fertilization of the egg, and in the event of a phenomenon, it is able to reject the embryo from the body. The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the time it is taken after intercourse, the sooner - the more likely it is not to become pregnant. Virtually no negative side effects.

    A histamine-based drug, which is determined by its capacity for 72 hours, but no later. It belongs to potent components, as it contains synthetic substances in the basis. It helps to slow down the process of ovulation, as well as the rejection of a fertilized egg. The drug is characterized by such types of contraindications, manifested in the form of discharge of blood clots from the vagina, unbearable pain in the groin area, as well as pathological abnormalities.


    The postinor tablet consists of the hormone levonorgestrel. This is a synthetic analogue of the hormone that does not allow the fertilization of the egg after sexual intercourse for 72 hours. Levonorgestrel is still used in the main contraceptives that are taken before carnal pleasure, only the dose of its content is much lower than in the postinor preparation.

    The postinor package contains two tablets that are recommended for use:

    The first - after intercourse of sexual intercourse (and the sooner the better).
    The second - after 12 hours.

    Important! It is necessary to repeat the drug if at least one of the tablets was excreted from the body through vomiting. Vomiting may occur if the tablet is not absorbed.

    Postinor refers to drugs that are not able to save a woman from an already onset pregnancy. It is worth noting such a situation, if you took postinor after sexual intercourse, and after a couple of days you had sex again without using contraception, then in this case the drug will not save you from second fertilization.

    If, after taking postinor, the phenomenon of unwanted pregnancy is detected, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This drug can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The doctor will examine and identify the location of the fetus.

    Tablet 24 hours

    24 hours - a pill that is characterized by its effectiveness during the day after sexual intercourse. Most commonly used:

    1. When carnal pleasures occurred without means of protection.
    2. When the protective equipment was damaged.
    3. In case of rape of a woman.

    Until the moment the embryo appears, the tablet has an efficiency of 95%, and after that it is equal to zero. When taking the medication, you should be 100% aware that the embryo has not yet formed.

    It has some side effects:

    • Vomiting, groin pain, diarrhea, cramps
    • Dizziness and fatigue
    • Vaginal pain and irregular menstruation

    vaginal tablets

    You can get rid of unwanted pregnancy with vaginal pills. They are characterized by a not so large percentage of capacity, which is 80-85%, of absolute safety for a woman. The active substance of the drug after its use, contributes to the blocking of spermatozoa, thereby reducing the risk of fertilization of the egg.

    Also, the main features include the absence of negative effects, which allows you to take the drug at any time of the menstrual cycle. Vaginal tablets include:

    • Pharmatex
    • Benatex
    • Ginakotex

    These pills are non-hormonal substances, which makes them safe, but the effectiveness of such drugs is more when taken together with other contraceptives.

    It is usually customary to protect yourself before sexual intercourse, but in life there are different situations... The condom burst ... Turned my head, and forgot about everything ... Interrupted intercourse did not work out ... There are doubts about the contraceptive used ...

    For all these situations, there are emergency methods of protection called postcoital.

    Such tablets can be taken within three days after intercourse. The performance will be the higher, the less time passes after the act.

    Table of the effectiveness of contraceptives

    To ensure that conception is prevented after unprotected intercourse, a large concentration of hormonal substances is required, so this option of contraceptives cannot be taken constantly. They are only for SOS cases. According to medical data and WHO recommendations, during the year, a woman can resort to emergency measures no more than three times.

    When do women seek emergency help?

    It is worth using postcoital contraception in every case when pregnancy is undesirable.

    This is necessary even with a regular partner if contact has taken place, but at the moment you or he is taking certain drugs that can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus. These include:

    • Antibiotics, especially tetracyclines.
    • Contraceptives less than six months ago.
    • Valproic acid and drugs based on it for the treatment of epilepsy.
    • Steroids.
    • Beta blockers.
    • Antiviral.
    • Antihelminthic.

    Certain diseases, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, syphilis, rubella, serious disorders of the thyroid gland or kidneys, can also become indications. There is a chance of conception if you are taking oral contraceptives but missed a few doses. "Casual" one-night stands or violence that you don't want to have a baby after are also good reasons for emergency protection.

    Unplanned pregnancy is a very common event. Of all the cases of conception in the world, 66% are unplanned. Therefore, if you are sure that in any case you will interrupt the gestation, it is better to take pills. Preventing conception is much more humane for a possible baby and safer for a woman than abortion..


    Like any hormonal drugs, contraceptives after intercourse introduce an imbalance in the woman's body. In this case, there may be a deterioration in well-being.

    • Nausea.
    • Weakness, dizziness.
    • Bleeding.
    • Pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Stomach upset.
    • Dryness in the vagina.
    • Eruptions on the skin.
    • Puffiness.
    • Severe headaches.
    • Violations in the blood circulation system, up to a heart attack.

    In the future, you can observe changes in the monthly cycle, failures in menstruation. The consequences are especially pronounced after 35 years and in those women who smoke. If you use drugs too often, then over time there is a threat of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriages.

    The body will take time to recover and return to a balanced state. The optimal interval between tablets is three to six months..

    Contraindications to emergency contraception are:

    • Problems with blood clotting and a tendency to bleed.
    • Young age - up to sixteen years.
    • Lactation.
    • Low hemoglobin.
    • Serious liver and kidney disease.

    Mechanism of action

    You should know that contraceptives after sex have two mechanisms of action and the choice can make a fundamental difference on the moral side.

    1. First group- prevents ovulation, that is, it does not allow the egg to ripen and come out, so conception does not occur in principle.
    2. Second group- does not allow an already fertilized egg to attach to the uterus, which for opponents of abortion and believers is equivalent to murder.

    The first group includes drugs with a progestogen effect. They are similar to the female hormones produced by the corpus luteum and adrenal glands during pregnancy. Substances prevent the pituitary gland from producing elements that provoke the maturation of the egg. It is for this reason that women do not have periods during gestation. They also make the vaginal mucus thick and difficult for sperm to move through. These pills are effective during the first half of the cycle up to three days before ovulation. If the egg has already left the ovary, progestin contraceptives become useless.

    The second group includes substances with an antiprogestogenic effect. They act in two ways. On the one hand, like the previous group, they inhibit the maturation of the egg, on the other hand, they block the hormones that make the uterus a suitable place for the maturation of the fetus. In order for the egg to merge with the endometrium, a number of changes occur in the mucosa, which stop antigestagens. In parallel, they increase muscle contraction, pushing the zygote out of the organ cavity.

    This group also includes intrauterine devices with copper. Their installation should take place no later than 120 hours after sex. 99% protection efficiency. The spiral prevents the egg from attaching, and also changes the environment in and around the uterus, making it unsuitable for sperm. The method is not recommended for nulliparous. Also, not all women tolerate implantation well, the spiral causes uterine bleeding (24%), severe inflammation (4%) and uterine perforation (0.5%).

    Let's take a closer look at the pills from each group and determine which ones are most suitable after unprotected intercourse.

    Birth control pills after intercourse within 72 hours

    Drugs that delay the release of the egg are released on the basis of levonorgestrel. Trade names may vary:

    • Eskinor F.
    • Escapelle.
    • Gravistat.
    • Microlute.
    • Postinor.

    Substances that protect the uterus from the fetal egg are made using mefipristone.

    • Genale.
    • Miropriston.
    • Mifegin.

    Another group is combined drugs with levonorgestrel and estradiol.. They are allowed to be taken as permanent oral contraceptives. Due to the presence of estradiol, they regulate the monthly cycle and lead to the onset of menstruation before the maturation of the egg - rejection of the endometrium. When used as an emergency, the dosage must be strictly observed so as not to cause uterine bleeding. These include:

    • Triziston.
    • Triquilar.
    • Trinordiol.
    • Gravistat 125.
    • Klimonorm.
    • Microgynon.
    • Minisistron.
    • Miranova.
    • Anteovin.
    • Silest.
    • Non-Ovlon.

    Despite the use of the same active substance, different drugs are tolerated differently. It depends on the auxiliary components, the degree of purification, the concentration of the active component. Consider the most effective in the opinion of women and physicians.

    Good and effective birth control pills after the act: a list with names


    It is considered the best drug in terms of efficacy and tolerability by the body. Contains synthetic levonorgestrel, an analogue of the natural hormone. Helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy by slowing down ovulation. Good for women with regular cycles.

    It is not used as a permanent contraceptive because it contains a higher dose of progestogen than conventional medicines for every day. However, less than in some drugs of similar action.

    It is best to take the pill in the first two days after contact. Drink the drug twice. The first tablet during the first or second day and another one twelve hours after the first. If vomiting occurs, and two hours have not passed after using the contraceptive, the dose is repeated. Due to the low concentration of the active substance, this combination is allowed twice a month.

    Do not prescribe the drug to women with cholecystitis and liver disease. Treatment with antibiotics (tetracyclines and ampicillins) reduces the effectiveness of protection. After using Postinor, nausea is observed, there is a lack of menstruation for some time, as well as spotting between menstruation. The cost of a package containing two tablets of the product is about 350 rubles.


    Two pills include a high concentration of the active ingredient - levonorgestrel (1.5 mg). Take them simultaneously or sequentially with an interval of 12 hours. In this case, the efficiency will be different. If you drink two tablets at once within three days, then the probability of becoming pregnant will be 16%. When taken at intervals, it all depends on the timing of the start of treatment. By the last third day, the probability of protecting yourself from an unplanned pregnancy is only 58%.

    It should be understood that the severity of side effects with a double dose is much higher. They consist of migraine and loss of consciousness, weakness, pain in the lower abdomen and nausea, bleeding in 10% of cases and more often.

    There is evidence of a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment in obesity. Do not use Escapel if there is severe liver failure. The drug does not affect the development of the child, if you did not know about the pregnancy that had already begun, the medicine will not affect the baby. Three hundred rubles costs one pack of 2 pieces of 0, 75 or one piece of 1.5 mg.


    Includes 10 milligrams of mifepristone. According to studies, this is the optimal dose, increasing the concentration does not increase the effectiveness of the drug. Pills work by blocking the receptors for progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy. As a result, the body does not undergo the changes necessary to start the development of the baby. Starts to work very quickly. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed after an hour and a half.

    Do not use for inflammation of the genital organs, anemia, bronchial asthma and renal failure. The action is opposite to glucocorticosteroids (inhalations for asthma, drugs for the treatment of joints), therefore, Ginepristone is not used during therapy with these drugs. Also, after a course of contraception, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (analgin, ibufen) are not prescribed for two weeks.

    To get the maximum effect, you should not eat for two hours before and after taking the Ginepristone tablet. One tablet costs 180 rubles.


    Mifepristone concentrated preparation - 10 or 200 mg in each pill. It is used not only for protection, but also for medical abortion, up to 1.5 months of pregnancy, as well as stimulation of childbirth. The active substance does not allow the egg to be fixed, delays ovulation, significantly increases the contractile activity of the uterus. In combination with prostaglandin, the strength of the muscles increases. The drug is used in the treatment of certain cancers and uterine nodes, by blocking progesterone receptors.

    For protection use 10 mg once. May lead to exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the genital organs, vomiting, diarrhea. It is considered a strong drug in a pharmacy released by prescription.

    Combined birth control pills after sex


    Combined agent based on ethinylestradiol (0.05) and levonorgistrel (0.25). Causes changes in the fallopian tubes, cervical canal, endometrium, ovaries. The latter are at rest, and the endometrium temporarily atrophies. It works as efficiently as possible - 100% obstacle to pregnancy.

    However, there is a large list of contraindications, including:

    • Feeding a child.
    • Pathology of the heart.
    • Diabetes.
    • Hypertension.
    • Thrombosis.
    • anemia.
    • Diseases of the gallbladder.

    For permanent oral contraception, one tablet is used, and for urgent, up to 4 tablets at once, for example, 2 tablets with a break of 12 hours.

    Consequences of taking postcoital contraceptive pills

    You should carefully approach the choice of partners and monitor your safety. Unprotected intercourse is dangerous for a woman with its consequences, both in the case of an abortion and in emergency care. The use of postcoital contraception can permanently unsettle and damage health. Many women experience:

    • Severe paroxysmal migraine headaches.
    • Violations of the cycle with delays up to a week or more.
    • Bleeding after taking and in between periods.
    • Problems with bearing up to infertility.
    • Thrombus formation.
    • risk of ectopic pregnancy.

    Therefore, whenever possible, the use of these drugs should be reduced or completely eliminated. If the reception cannot be avoided, then you should carefully study the contraindications and accurately calculate the dose, not exceeding it.